“PLATINUM”, the name itself says it all. That was an abode of BWB group. No, I won’t tell you what BWB is right now. At least, the curiosity to know what that is will make you read on. As, the last benchers of Platinum, we were pretty infamous for all the noise and famous for our friendship. There are a lot of instances that made the bond grow, made it deeper and made me feel lucky. IMPACT Sessions: This was when it all began…..the beginning of a journey into the joyful memorable days. IMPACT is a 3 day session conducted to take the college students into the corporate world! (This was the purpose which never got served. I felt like a school kid after this!). The first game was called “BINGO”. We were made to run around to gather signatures against some actions that were printed. Getting 30 signatures in 1 minute was a tough job. There were some speaking sessions, some sessions in which we watched videos of how to handshake, how to ask questions and how to sit on a chair when the chair is not letting you do it (!). There was game calling “POT THE BALL” in which we realized that Shoba was a born politician
We were to prepare scripts and enact dramas in about an hour’s time. There were a few plays that cannot be forgotten. One such play is the one where Ganesh was a husband and Mansi was his wife. Mansi yelled at Ganesh all though out the drama and Ganesh has decided he won’t get married (in real life) till he buys 3 TVs. There was a play in which Mukul was a boss who constantly talked on phone and his dialogue “Hello Baby” is famous till date. In the same session Krishna acted like this South Indian angry boss with a Mallu accent which was hilarious. One more comical play was about a head on collision of a truck (driven by Ashutosh) and a Merc (driven by Sankshep) and how these two drivers sorted out the fight. The tone and voice of Ashu and Sanky was very well modulated and their expressions were just right to make us all laugh till the end of the play; and kept us smiling all thought that day. There was an introduction round in which we have to form pairs and give the introduction of the other. Sonal Premi became the daughter of Azim when she was introduced as “Sonal Premji”. Arjun came up to the stage and said “Hi friends, meet my latest friend …mmmm ….Sh…Shhhh…. He is from Mumbai. His name is Aaa….mmm….Shhhh” and a voice from the audience said “Srikanth”. We all laughed like crazy. Then, when Arjun was ending his introduction he said “So, this is what I know about my new friend Srinath” which triggered a roar of laughter in the classroom. Jayendranath was angered when Ganesh called him a pumpkin while introducing him, and when it was Jonny’s turn to introduce Ganesh , with all the rage and fury he had inside him , he called him “Carrot” (he he he
“Dream Company” was the topic of the project that we needed to do and this was the last session of our Impact classes. We even made logos and models of the Logos for our dream company. We did this project with so much energy and oomph that the trainer was impressed by our batch. There was a sad feeling when the Impact classes ended because we thought the fun had ended too, but little did we know that fun had just begun.
Don’t you worry; I won’t be explaining the other days of my training as exhaustively as I have done here. It is because I don’t remember being awake in those classes.
1 comment:
hey dear! nice to read the Impact post yaar! Hey Baby .. was really a trend setter ... cant forget those days, right?
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